I’m Jennifer Taylor.
Having spent a majority of my life in Southern California, creating high-quality looks for a reasonable price comes natural to me. Thankfully, our family lived just a few miles from the Palos Verdes School of Design.
In 2018, I was bored with my job as an account manager for Nordstrom, so I started a boutique company as a fashion designer—at night and on weekends. It didn’t take long for me to realize how much I loved style.
Life is precious, and the quality of it matters. We tend to allow the noise and distraction into our work, and we end up with canvases that are cluttered. As creatives, the environment we surround ourselves in can heavily impact the art we produce—and quite honestly, it should.
Designer Jenni Kayne has her own brand of minimalism—one built on calming colors, organic materials, and soft textiles. Her recognizable aesthetic prizes understated elegance and warm simplicity.
Jennifer Taylor, Founder + CEO